Top-Quality Pork Produced
with Expertise and Care
At Prestage Farms, our experienced employees and growers are dedicated to implementing our proven production practices with the utmost skill, for pork that meets or exceeds our customers’ high standards. We manage our production process to ensure that our pork is high quality, safe, and delicious, and produced in a manner that emphasizes responsible treatment of our animals and the environment.

Excellence at Every Stage
Our production process begins with bringing together premium female and male genetics to produce the best pigs possible. Sows are housed in gestation and farrowing facilities designed to optimize their nutrition and health, and after giving birth remain with their pigs until weaning. Once weaned, the pigs are transported by Transport Quality Assistance ® -certified drivers, who are specially trained to minimize stress during movement, to a nursery farm where they are received by one of our contract growing families. The growers will raise the animals—providing nutritious, specially formulated feed, safe, comfortable housing, and attentive care—until they reach approximately 50 pounds. The pigs are then moved to finishing farms of other growers, where they are raised to market specifications.
Much of the pork we produce is processed at our state-of-the-art Prestage Foods of Iowa processing facility. It is then sold to retailers and distributors, further processors who manufacture pork products to sell under their brands, and export markets. To learn more about our processing capabilities and Prestage Foods pork products, please click below.
To ensure best-quality care for our pigs, all who work with, handle, and move them are specially trained and certified through the National Pork Board’s Pork Quality Assurance ® Plus and Transport Quality Assurance ® programs.